(Ysabella Hawkings, LJ eBulletin Editor)

The Ebulletin is Liberal Judaism’s weekly e-newsletter. It is sent to all community bulletin and newsletter editors, rabbis, synagogue chairs and lay   leadership and many other Liberal Judaism members.

The Ebulletin is primarily for information that is of interest to Liberal Judaism’s membership as a whole e.g. events, Liberal Judaism in the media and community vacancies. It is generally used to inform people of an upcoming event, as opposed to stories about community events that have already happened, which are generally better suited to LJ Today – our bimonthly magazine.

Each Monday I put together the Ebulletin based on what has been sent in from communities and from within Liberal Judaism. I also put the new Thought for the Week on the website ready to link to the Ebulletin.

Once I’ve put it all together I test it to make sure the content fits the layout correctly then I send it back to the office to be proofed before it’s sent out on Wednesday.

Once the Ebulletin has been approved for distribution I send a reminder email to the rabbi that is signed up to write the next Thought for the Week piece before updating the Google Calendar with all the new events.

On Wednesday the cycle starts again and I begin planning the content for the next Ebulletin ready to write it on Monday.

To submit information to the eBulletin, please email ebulletin@liberaljudaism.org.