Lesson Objective:
Know what Sukkot is and why we celebrate it
Understand the importance of a Sukkah
Learn about the objects associated with Sukkot

Lesson Outcome:
By the end of the lesson, the children will have understood the meaning and importance of Sukkot

Sukkot Story
Sukkah Objects Yes and No
Suitcase Template
The Sukkah
Lulav and Etrog Fact Sheet
Etrog Template



  • Brainstorm about Sukkot – recap prior knowledge about Sukkot. Encourage children to name any customs or traditions we have and do on Sukkot.

Main Teaching

  • Sukkot Introduction – (If possible,take children to the Sukkah, if not then ask children to imagine that they are in the Sukkah) Have a short introduction telling the children we will be learning about Sukkot and the Sukkah. Where are we standing? Why is it important? What is it used for? Ask children what it would be like to live in a Sukkah. Why would you like to live here? What is good and bad about living here? If the Sukkah is decorated, talk about the decorations and why we have them. If it is not, ask the class to imagine what the Sukkah will be like when it is decorated.
  • Read the Sukkot Story – Teach the class about why we celebrate Sukkot. Story told in an interactive way: Use the children as a timeline to demonstrate how long ago it was, give them all characters, use puppets, simple words and ask them questions about what will happen next.



  • Option 1: Sorting Sukkah Objects – Complete activity of choosing things to bring into the Sukkah and things that we would leave behind. Cut out, sort and stick down drawings of the different objects onto their suitcase templates. Older children may wish to draw their own objects and write a note as to why they would take them into the Sukkah.
  • Option 3: Shoebox Sukkah – Show children examples of different types of The Sukkah, commenting on styles, decorations and how they are made. Using a shoebox or equivalent, use leaves as the roof, felt and tissue paper to make fruit or anything to decorate the sides. Pictures on card of people, table, chairs, bed and anything they would take in to the Sukkah. They should be able to look through the sides and see through the roof.
  • Option 2:Lulav and Etrog – Make a Lulav and Etrog using sticks, tissue paper, coloured paper, felt and any other arts and crafts resources you wish. This can be very creative and use any resources.  When completed, recite blessings and shake the Lulav and Etrog (in the Sukkah if possible).Whilst they are building, engage them on why they are putting in what they are, what they are putting in, why they need it. Questioning is very important to ensure that they understand what Sukkot is and why we celebrate it.
  • Option 4: Sukkot Poem – Children to write their own rap or poem about Sukkot using any of the facts that they have learn in the lesson. Use the Etrog Template to write their poem inside.



  • Sukkot Blessings – Children to read through / listen to the blessings associated with Sukkot.